Sedation Dentistry

Dental Sedation can be done in multiple forms. From the use of Nitrous Oxide, to written prescriptions, to medication given in office while under monitored supervision.

Nitrous Oxide

If your anxiety is to needles then Nitous Oxide (laughing gas) may be the best choice for you. The effects of Nitrous Oxide are short lived and help directly to reduce anxiety. After the injection the gas is brought back down and oxygen is given for 5 minutes to allow for removal of all the Nitrous Oxide from the body. With the stressful part of the appointment behind you the procedure can now begin.

Written Prescriptions

If your anxiety is with dental procedures in general, but it is not too severe then a written prescription for an anti anxiety medication may be the best choice. For this type of anxiety control the effects last longer than those of Nitrous Oxide and someone to drive you to and from the dental office is needed. This level of anxiety relief would best be described as moderate anxiety and the amount of medication is light. The medication isĀ  taken 1 hour before your appointment. A driver brings you to your appointment and takes you home after your appointment is finished. If you have high anxiety to the injection Nitrous Oxide can be used in addition to the medication to help you past this point of the procedure.

Oral Sedation or Sleep Dentistry

Oral sedation is for those with high anxiety to dental procedures. As with a written prescription you will need a driver to bring you to and from your dental appointment. The main difference between a written prescription and oral sedation is the depth of sedation that is achieved. The level of sedation achieved is that of almost asleep, this is why it is also referred to as sleep dentistry. You are still awake and able to respond to directions however you are on the verge of falling asleep and may dose off from time to time during the procedure. With this level of sedation close monitoring of vital signs is done every 5 minutes and you are under constant supervision from the time sedation begins until you are buckled into your seat belt for your driver to take you home. Another advantage for those with anxiety is that the medication causes amnesia so you won’t remember the procedures and any parts that you do remember will not be clear memories. This means that your anxiety of dental procedures will not be increased by using oral sedation to have your treatment done. You can also use sedation dentistry as a means of treating your anxiety by slowly building up confidence. Some patients have been successful in going from deep sedation up to a light sedation or in some cases no sedation at all.