The Link Between Dental Plaque and Heart Attack and Stroke
In a 2006 study looking back at 147 other studies it was determined that there is a strong link between inflammation and the risk of heart attack and stroke.
“there is evidence that inflammation is closely linked to atherosclerotic disease at all stages, from silent progression to clinical manifestations. Experimental studies suggest that CRP is an active player in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Moreover, there is strong epidemiologic evidence that mediators of inflammation, especially hs-CRP, predict cardiovascular risk independently of “classical” risk factors.”(Osman)
In 2016 a study by Florida Atlantic University connected the link between levels of Dental Plaque and hs-CRP (indicator of inflammation). Thus there has now been established a direct link between levels Dental Plaque and risk of Heart Attack and Stroke.
For tips on keeping your mouth clean and free from Dental Plaque visit our Page on Proper Dental Hygiene.
The full articles of these studies can be found at the links below: